It’s Preschool Registration Time!


Age Requirements:
Head Start – Must be (3) before 9/30/2018
Pre-K – Must be (4) before 9/30/2018

First round of registration for Head Start and Pre-school will end on March 29, 2018. Please come to the Head Start office to register.   We will accept registration packets Monday-Friday from 9:00am-3:00pm.  If you are in need of an after hours appointment, please call our office at 369-9735.

Children do not need to be present for registration.

Please bring the following documents with you for copies to be made:

  1. Child’s original birth certificate
  2. Child’s original social security card
  3. Child’s original immunization record
  4. Proof of residence (ex.  water bill, electricity bill)
  5. Proof of income (ex. 2017 1040 tax statement, benefits statement, last two most current check stubs)
  6. Custody papers (if applicable)

The Assumption Parish Head Start Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, handicapping condition, ancestry or whether the child is being breastfed.
