School Choice
Public School Choice
The Assumption Parish School Board is required by both Federal law and the Louisiana School Accountability Program to develop and maintain a Public School Choice policy for any school with a School Performance Score (SPS) below levels set by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and considered in School Improvement Level II or higher. Additionally, those Title I schools that have failed the subgroup component of the state’s accountability system for one year or are in School Improvement II or higher shall also be a part of a School Choice program. School Choice allows eligible students to transfer to an academically acceptable school. Subgroup component refers to the testing performance within a specified subgroup of students.
Once schools eligible to receive students have been identified, a school-site utilization study shall be conducted as needed in all schools to determine the extent to which capacity exists to possibly accommodate students from schools offering choice, including students with special needs and/or students with disabilities. Only those schools that are labeled academically acceptable shall be considered eligible to receive students.
The Superintendent and staff shall be responsible for developing and managing a School Choice Plan, which shall determine the schools to which students may transfer, which students shall have priority in transferring, and all other regulations and procedures for supervising school choice within the school district.
February 27, 2025 Send home letters to parents of students enrolled in choice schools notifying them of the option to transfer their child to a higher-performing school. Parents will be given school options from which to choose based on sufficient capacity at the appropriate grade levels.
February 28, 2025 - March 31, 2025 Accept applications until 4:00 P.M. Students will be ranked in income and academic achievement. Students for whom transfer requests are not received by Assumption Parish School Board by March 31st will remain enrolled in their current school.
April 10, 2025 Send notification letters or contact parents by phone concerning transfer decisions. The Transportation Department will schedule transportation for students later but before August 7, 2025.
May 2, 2025 Parents have until May 2nd to register their child(ren) at the designated school
All students in a school required to offer choice shall be eligible to transfer. However, the School Board shall give priority to the lowest achieving students from low-income families, as determined by the School Board.
To see more of this school board policy and others head to our school board policy website, CAPS: