APSBulletin - August 2024
Dr. John Barthelemy, Superintendent
Honoray Lewis, Ward 1
Lee Meyer Jr, Ward 2
Andrea Barras, Ward 3
Electa Fletcher-Mickens, Ward 4
Joshua Hebert, Ward 5
Daniel Washington, Ward 6
Bambi Hood, Ward 7
Jessica Ourso, Ward 8
Doris Dugas, Ward 9
Aug. 2-6 - Teachers return for Professional Development
Aug. 7 - First day of class for students
Aug. 8 - Parent Pre-K Orientation
Aug 9. - Parent Head Start Orientation
Sept. 2 - No School - Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 25 - No School - Teacher Professional Development
Special thanks to Gallagher Insurance Company for donating school supplies to the district’s Early Childhood program. The donation includes notebooks, loose leaf paper, glue, crayons, pencils, folders, markers, paper towels, tissues and other hygiene products. Gallagher has grown to be one of the leading insurance brokerage, risk management, and HR & benefits consulting companies in the world with more than 52,000 employees in more than 130 countries. The local Gallagher office is located on Highway 308 in Plattenville.
Legislative Action Impacts District Policy
Effective beginning with the 2024-2025 school year and thereafter, no student shall possess on his/her person, an electronic telecommunication device throughout the instructional day. If a student brings an electronic telecommunication device in any public elementary or secondary school building or on the grounds thereof during an instruction day, the electronic device shall either be turned off and properly stowed away for the duration of the instructional day or prohibited from being turned on and used during the instructional day.
In accordance with the Louisiana Law, Act 313 for the 2024-2025 school year, APS students will not be allowed to use their cell phones, smartwatches, Bluetooth headphones, this includes cell phones being seen or heard, during the school day. Pursuing rigorous academic learning requires deliberate focus, academic engagement and face-to-face interaction with peers and educators. Cell phone access interferes with all these areas and activities.
Students will be required to leave their electronic telecommunication devices at home or their electronic telecommunication devices must be turned doff and placed in the student’s school bag for the entirety of the school day. This will be strictly enforced from the time the student arrives on campus (gets out of cars/buses) until dismissal (leaves camp0us). Please understand students will not be allowed to text or call parents from their cell phones during school hours. In the event they need to reach a parent to communicate important information, they will be allowed to use the office phone.
The consequences for electronic telecommunication devices violations are as follows:
· 1st offense – minor infraction; verbal warning and parent is notified
· 2nd offense – minor infraction, device is confiscated by administration and the parent is contact to pick up the device.
· 3rd offense – major infraction, the phone is confiscated by the administration and the parent is contacted to pick up the device. See the Code of Conduct for disciplinary action.
· 4th offense – major infraction, the phone is confiscated by the administration and the parent is contacted to pick up the device. See the Code of Conduct for disciplinary action. An electronic telecommunication device ban will be applied for the remainder the school year.
CTE Courses Available
Assumption High School is scheduling courses for the 2024-2025 school year. Career and Technical Education courses are available on the school’s website and are open to all students.
All students can participate in Career & Technical Programs of Study in areas such as Health Sciences, Architecture and Construction, Business Management, Hospitality and Tourism, and Agriculture, Admission requirements for each course can be found in the Student Schedule Guide. For additional information program requirements or any questions, please get in touch with the School Counselor assigned to your child.
District Honors Retirees
Pictured from left to right are: (seated) Jody Pearly, Yolanda Brown, Angela Gauthreaux, Pauline Aucoin, Annette Richie, (standing) Damian Buggage, Sandra Breaux, Julius Aucoin, Christine Theriot, Lisa Theriot, Angela Gregoire, Lynn Daigle, Susan Landry, Missy Theriot, Loretta Woods, Tonya Holloway, Monica Aucoin, and David Carlino.
Assumption Parish Schools recently held a luncheon to honor those system employees who retired after the 2023-2024 school year. The retirees were presented with a plaque commemorating their service to the system.
District Honors Administrative Workers
Pictured from left to right are: Terri Thibodeaux, Lexi Benoit, Ashley Breaux, Bridget Benoit, Mikaela Oncale, Traci Landry, Kah’e Rock, Stephanie Sedotal, Honey Caballero, Bobbie Lynn Folse, Jenny Cedotal, Cynthia Blanchard, Christy Avel, Monique Meyer, Cheri Dupaly and LaSha Patterson.
The district recently held a special event for those professionals who serve in a secretarial or office administration role. These professionals serve their campuses in a variety of ways, and they are often the first faces visitors see when they come to the campuses or district office.