APSBulletin - December 2022
Dr. John Barthelemy, Superintendent
I would like to extend warm holiday wishes to all our staff, students and parents during this Christmas season.
May this season be a time of peace and joy and filled with blessings.
I am most thankful for the gift of learning that we share and cultivate in Assumption Parish Schools.
May we continue to grow that gift together in the New Year.
Honoray Lewis, Ward 1
Lee Meyer Jr, Ward 2
Andrea Barras, Ward 3
Electa Fletcher-Mickens, Ward 4
Jesse Robertson, Ward 5
Daniel Washington, Ward 6
Bambi Hood, Ward 7
Jessica Ourso, Ward 8
Doris Dugas, Ward 9
Dec. 20 – 2nd Grading Period Ends
Dec. 21-Jan. 3 – No Classes, Christmas & New Year’s Holidays
Jan. 16 – Martin Luther King Holiday – NO CLASSES
Feb. 20-24 – Mardi Gras Holiday – NO CLASSES
Students pictured include Denym Caldwell, Tearyni Caldwell, Christian Cavalier, Adelina Fuentes, Bronx Gaston, Bobbi Gray, Aviana Joseph, Aaron Robinson, Jr., Camryn Washington, and Golden Jade Williams.
Students in Miranda Hebert’s pre-kindergarten at Labadieville Primary School were awarded certificates and a personal pan pizza coupon from Pizza Hut for successfully completing their November book list. The children had to read a book at home each night with a family member during the month of November.
Nicholls State University Chemistry Road Show Visits Labadieville Middle School
Pictured are Nicholls State University Professor Dr. Chadwick Young, left, and Labadieville Middle School Science Teacher Joe Gauthreaux.
Seventh and eighth graders at Labadieville Middle School received a special visit from Dr. Chadwick Young, an entertaining astronomer and professor of physics at Nicholls State University, who spent a day with the students demonstrating different types of experiments that displayed chemical reactions, kinetic energy, and the power of liquid nitrogen.
The Nicholls State University Chemistry Road Show is a popular demonstration of science concepts that is designed to educate and entertain.
Young, who leads the road show, has taught at Nicholls since 2005. He has led numerous research projects in the areas of star formation, physics education and physics of human performance. He specializes in the study of the formation of low-mass starts. Labadieville Middle Science Teacher Joe Gauthreaux invited Young to visit with his students and to focus on demonstrations that dealt with the topics they are currently studying.
“Having Dr. Young, a professional astronomer, chemist and physicist, visit LMS was very beneficial for our students, as for many of them, it was their first encounter with a professional from those fields. The experiments allowed students to see science happening in real time and hearing their ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ was an exciting moment for me, because I knew they were authentically engaged in their learning,” said LMS Principal Dr. Corey M. Crochet.
French Immersion Students Learn About Tradition of St. Nicholas Day
St. Nicholas recently shared a special Christmas tradition with students in Pierre Part Elementary’s French Immersion class when children would leave their shoes outside to receive small gifts in them.
Students at Pierre Part Elementary who are enrolled in the school’s French Immersion program recently celebrated December 6, the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas, and learned about an old European tradition of leaving shoes for St. Nicholas on Christmas Day.
St. Nicholas made a special appearance to the school to explain the tradition. He noted that children in other parts of the world would leave their shoes in front of the fireplace, on the windowsill or outside their bedroom door so St. Nicholas could fill them with special fruits, candies and other small gifts and treats. The tradition grew to where the children would often leave hay or carrots in their shoes for St. Nicholas’ donkey to eat.
Pierre Part Elementary Science Teacher John Giambrone assisted greatly in facilitating St. Nicholas’ visit.
Bayou L’Ourse Primary Teachers Engage in Learning
Pictured, from left to right, are Bayou L’Ourse Primary Teachers Heather Bond, Jennifer Landry and Abigail Andrus who participated in a district workshop to strengthen their students’ reading and literary comprehension skills.
As part of the district’s strategic plan to improve academic performance throughout the parish, instructional team leaders at Bayou L’Ourse Primary School collaborated with teachers to analyze student work across several grades and curriculum options.
The teachers worked together to deepen their understanding of the science of reading and how students best learn to read. Teachers collaborated with their peers, presented their findings as a group and reflected independently on implementation strategies for their classrooms. The session also addresses approaches to change student culture to read more and engage better in literary activities.
Belle Rose Middle Holds Science Fair
Those Belle Rose Middle School students who submitting winning entries in this year’s Science Fair contest and pictured with school board members Bambi Hood and Joshua Hebert, who served as this year’s judges.
Belle Rose Middle School hosted is school-wide science fair in December. All students participating in the fair were required to use the five-step Scientific Method in their project.
Awards were presented to first, second, and third place finishers, as well as honorable mention entries. Those top winners in each category will advance to the Science Fair competition to be held at Nicholls State University next year. That competition will include entries from school districts throughout the bayou region.
Assumption Parish School Board Members Bambi Hood and Joshua Hebert served as judges for the competitions. The event was coordinated by Science Teacher Toria Dorsey.
Those participating students with winning entries included fifth graders A’nyri Parker, Nasya Leblanc and Tyler Blilie; sixth graders Christiney Lewis, Alayah Brown and Hunter Sanchez; and seventh graders Charles Caldwell, Taliyah Watts, and Mikyren Meggs.