CSRS Master Plan FAQ

What are the benefits of having 7th and 8th-grade students at Assumption High School?

  • The student count at each grade level drives the quality of experience that a student has on campus. When you combine the students in the same grade level on a campus, a richer experience can be offered for students.

  • More students will have the opportunity to be educated by certified teachers

  • ACT preparation- With an on-site ACT coordinator, students can take pre-ACT tests to get predictions and support plans for future success on the ACT.

  • Academic competition team opportunities due to increased availability of sponsors and transportation by utilizing some of the high school resources and structures. (Quiz Bowl, Literary Rally)

  • 7th and 8th grade students who meet the criteria based on pupil progression will be offered honors classes

  • Advanced Opportunities:

    • Carnegie units (high school credits) in 7th-8th grade

    • Increases dual enrollment courses (college courses/credits)

    • Technical diploma certification options (work-ready certifications)

    • Reduces expenses (Tuition and Fees) for universities and technical colleges for students and/or parents

  • Increase Resources:

    • Social workers/ counselors increased time on campuses

    • Additional extracurricular activities (band, STEM activities, robotics, etc.)

    • Instructional support - full-time master teachers at more school sites

    • Intervention/remediation support before Carnegie unit courses

    • Increased support for special student populations

How would the 7th and 8th traditional schedules match up with the high school doing block scheduling?

  • 7th and 8th grade would continue with a seven or eight-period day for four - nine weeks

    • two periods of electives-PE every day, and another elective of choice

  • 9th-12th grade would continue with the 4X4 block schedule

  • APS will ensure that the intercom and bell system can be run by zones (school buildings). The bell schedules would not interfere with the different grade level

How will the proposed changes impact the 5th and 6th graders?

  • Students are remaining in their community school in a familiar environment

  • Continued access to clubs, band, etc.

  • Increase in Resources:

    • Social workers/counselors support services will be increased on campuses

    • Instructional support - full-time master teachers at more school sites

    • Intervention/remediation support Increased support for special student populations

How will 7th and 8th grade students be transported to Assumption High School?

  • The transportation department will work with the routing system to develop the most efficient routes to transport students to AHS in a timely manner.

  • The earliest departure time for travel to Assumption High School will remain unchanged.

  • Routes will be similar to the start and end time of the current routes. High school route times will not increase.

  • More buses will be available due to the need for fewer routes.

    • Transportation will only have to be provided for elementary and high school campuses versus elementary, middle, and high school campuses.

  • 7th and 8th grade students will be transported to Assumption High School with 9th-12th grade students on the same bus from each community.

  • 7th and 8th grade students will be separated from 9th-12th grade students on the school bus for each community.

How will 7th and 8th grade students participate in athletics?

  • 7th and 8th grade teams may be formed as one team or separate teams (A team and B team) based on the number of students who tryout for each sport.

  • 7th and 8th grade teams will compete against teams in the surrounding areas.

  • Transportation will be provided to bring students home after practice at the high school.

Will 5th and 6th grade students participate in athletics?

  • 5th and 6th grade students will have community teams and play each other within the parish. The district will determine which sports are available for 5th and 6th grade students to participate in.

How will this impact the workload of 7th and 8th grade teachers?

  • T eachers who teach 7th and 8th grade will benefit from a reduced number of class preparations, allowing for more focused and personalized instruction.

  • Shared lesson planning and collaborative team efforts will be encouraged to leverage expertise and create a cohesive curriculum across the 7th and 8th grade levels.

  • The more students you have at a grade level decreases the number of preps a teacher needs to teach.

  • Vertical planning- teachers can work with grade level teams that teach students in higher and lower grade levels to ensure standards are effectively covered to meet the needs of all students.

  • Eliminate additional school transitions

  • Combining a grade level on a centralized campus

    • Multiple T eachers teaching the same subject

      • Common planning- teachers who are teaching the same content/grade level can plan lessons together to share knowledge and expertise

      • More opportunities to provide specific support to staff in professional learning

      • Higher quality instruction due to collaboration among teachers and instructional support that can be provided

    • Reduce the number of sections required per grade level - (example below in next question)

      • Cost savings that could be reallocated to provide support, resources, and opportunities for students

What is the impact on the workforce if we do not restructure combining 7th & 8th graders throughout the district?

  • More grade levels on a campus with small student enrollment per grade level create:

    • Higher cost per pupil to educate students in grade levels with smaller class sizes

    • Reduces the availability of resources for staff and students.

      • Social workers/ counselors

      • Extra curricular activities

      • Advanced opportunities

      • Instructional support - sites without a master teacher

      • The administrative team is stretched across too many disciplines to support teachers effectively.

    • Staff required to teach multiple subjects and multiple grade levels

      • Stretched thin- less time spent planning each class to meet minimum requirements

      • Loss of quality of planning

        • Reduce effectiveness of teaching

        • Reduce student achievement

      • Causes high turnover and reduction of certified staff.

    • This configuration would require additional teachers, which would incur significant costs. Unfortunately, it cannot be supported within our current budget or income levels due to current enrollment numbers.

      • EXAMPLE: (using the 26:1 student/teacher ratio)

        • 7th grade at one school has 31 students - requires two sections

        • 7th grade at another school has 34 students - requires two sections

        • T otal of four Sections

        • Combine the two schools= 64 students

          • Requires a total of three sections - one less than staying separated

What will happen to current administrative and staffing structures?

  • Combining schools presents a unique opportunity to bring together the strengths, resources, and diverse perspectives of the school system. We will focus on creating a unified and supportive environment where students, faculty, and staff from all schools can thrive.

  • Any changes to staffing or administrative structures will be carried out in a fair and equitable manner, with a focus on aligning roles with the future needs of the combined schools. We are committed to ensuring that all employees are treated with respect and provided with the support they need during this transition.

  • Staffing decisions will be made once the consolidation plan is finalized according to the Assumption Parish School Board policies.

  • Personnel will be restructured to make improvements to our school system as a whole to better meet the needs of our students, schools, and system.

How will these changes impact the overall budget, expenses, savings, etc?

  • Our goal is not to save money but to reallocate the funds but to make our school system more efficient and effective to provide the best academic opportunities for our students and employment opportunities for our staff.

    • Potential reductions in maintenance cost

      • Less building repairs, building upkeep, electricity, water

      • Reduces the need for support staff at all sites

      • Fewer bus routes due to three middle school route requirements being eliminated

    • Potential reallocations of funds:

      • Additional funds for a pay raise for employees

      • Increase Resources in schools:

        • Counselors

        • Master teachers

        • 504 Coordinator/Lead Sped teacher

        • Full time school nurse at every campus

        • Expand course offerings and experiences to 7th and 8th graders

How will 7th and 8th grade students be separated from 9th-12th grade students on the high school campus?

  • The A and N building at the high school would be where the 7th/8th graders would be located on the Assumption High School campus. These two buildings are in close proximity to common areas (gym, cafeteria, band room). The 9th-12th graders would be kept in separate buildings from the 7th and 8th graders.

  • 7th and 8th grade students would have a different lunch period from 9th-12th grade students.

What will happen to the existing properties when consolidation occurs?

  • Potential changes and repurposing of buildings/facilities (These are ideas only):

    • Assumption Parish Alternative School will be located at Napoleonville Middle School

    • Assumption Parish School District Pupil Appraisal Staff will be located at Napoleonville Middle School

    • Special Education Resource Center and/or Early Childhood as it relates to students’ needs will be placed at Labadieville Primary School

    • Labadieville Middle School will become the new site for Labadieville Elementary School

    • Belle Rose Middle School will be the warehouse for Assumption Parish School District

What renovations will need to be completed to accommodate the influx of students on campuses?

  • Potential improvements:

    • Bayou L’Ourse Primary School will need 2 buildings

    • Renovate 2 story at NPS

    • Assumption High School will be ready once all renovations that are currently taking place are completed (May 2025

What is the timeline to bring each school into compliance to protect our students still not in place now?

All schools are in compliance, and we have initiated steps to create a safer learning environment for our staff and students. For instance, security upgrades are currently under construction at several school sites, including NPS, NMS, and AHS, while other sites, such as BRP, PPE, and BLP, are in the design phase.

What are the delays?

We are adhering to the legal process required to complete these projects. A typical construction timeline can take up to 12 months from start to finish due to legal requirements for projects exceeding certain thresholds. For example, most security projects exceed $250,000, which triggers the bid law process, thereby extending the timeline. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. Additionally, we are obligated to grant extra time for unforeseen conditions beyond the contractor's control, such as weather delays caused by rain. To mitigate potential delays, we collaborate closely with contractors and hold regular meetings to address any issues proactively before they impact the timeline.

What protocols have been implemented to protect our children this school year above 2024 school year?

See previous response about school safety. 

Will open campuses due to consolidation get priority of funding to retrofit and bring up to protective standards above existing and continuing campuses?

Yes, we are allocating our resources to the campuses that will remain open.

As stated, schools will not be closed …. What new resources will be needed for the stated plan, what funding will be dedicated to improve infrastructure needs outlined in report, dates planned to correct school infrastructure stated defects?

At BLP, additional modular buildings will be installed to support the growing student enrollment. At NPS, we will complete a small upgrade project in the two-story building to accommodate the increase in enrollment. At LMS, we will relocate and upgrade playgrounds.  This will include both the primary playground and the  early childhood playground area from LPS to LMS.  The Head Start building will be relocated and upgraded to meet all licensing requirements.  Classrooms and common spaces will be modified to support developmentally appropriate environments for all age bands of students.

HVAC-dedicated funds will be used to upgrade HVAC systems as needed across the parish. Additionally, we will allocate more revenue to the maintenance and capital improvement budget to enhance our facilities and grounds.

Following the recommendations outlined in the master facility plan, we will revise our current 3- to 5-year capital improvement master plan to prioritize the identified needs of our facilities.

Facility improvements have already begun throughout the district. Updates on these projects are regularly presented to the board and the public during specific school board meetings held throughout the year. Furthermore, capital improvement projects are included in our annually approved budget.

Why aren’t schools being shut in order to provide the funding in place to bring all campuses up to standards any community should receive based on taxes paid. 

The Assumption Parish School District is committed to supporting all schools and students. We are working to bring all schools up to standard as part of a unified effort. No school is being excluded from the capital improvements. Prioritization is based on factors such as safety, efficiency, functionality, purpose, and overall impact.

What resources will be hired and dedicated to special needs children not in place today and desperately needed?

We are establishing a partnership with a specialized clinic to create a dedicated facility for our special needs students in Assumption Parish. By consolidating campuses, we can offer services more frequently with trained professionals. For example, a service provider can visit a single, centralized campus to deliver services daily, rather than being divided between multiple campuses and offering services only once a week.

Based on master plan, what specific resources will be needed to deliver the benefits of offerings to 7-8th students stated to ensure students receive more than they do today?

Currently, students in 7th and 8th grades do not have access to a true honors program. By consolidating schools, we will introduce a comprehensive honors program where high-achieving students can participate in advanced courses. These students will also have the opportunity to take high school-level courses for Carnegie Units, such as Algebra I and English I, within their peer group (separate from high school students). This will allow them to begin their high school journey with earlier, enhancing their overall academic experience.

Additionally, through our early college options program, students will have the opportunity to earn dual enrollment credit and potentially earn an Associate’s Degree (Louisiana Transfer Degree) by the time they graduate from high school. For further details about course offerings, please refer to previous responses.

# added teachers added, # of new courses, # of counselors added, # of gifted and talented teachers and what specific classes will be offered? Exactly (not generic) what can parents expect along these questions?

Consolidation will reduce the overall number of teachers needed while allowing us to introduce several new courses to 7th and 8th graders, including but not limited to Algebra I, English I, STEM, Band (offered daily), and Honor Courses in Math, Science, Social Studies, and Civics.

Students who qualify currently have the opportunity to participate in our Gifted and Talented program, which provides specialized support and enrichment.

How would you ensure 9-12 grade students are not sent to 7-8 classes as alternates?

Alternate schedule will be created by grade bands: 7-8, 9-12 to ensure alternates will be kept separate.

How would you ensure no classrooms in N and A buildings are utilized for 9-12 students for any reason?

We will not schedule 9th -12th grade classes in the same areas as 7th & 8th grade.  Also, 7th and 8th grade students will only take classes with 7th and 8th grade students.  High school students will not be scheduled in these classes.

Both gyms at AHS are used for PE and sports for 9-12. Is there a concrete plan for 7-8 students to have separate physical education classes and athletic facilities?

We will not schedule 9th -12th classes in the same areas as 7th & 8th.  Also, 7th and 8th grade students will only take classes with 7th and 8th grade students, not 9th-12th grade students.

If 5-6 grade students will participate in community sports competing against each other, what practice and competition facilities will students utilize? BLP, NPS, and BRP do not currently house such facilities. While sports is not a main concern, it creates opportunities which is a benefit of restructuring.

Sports in 5th and 6th grades will be more about development and are optional.  Expanding campuses to include practice and competition facilities will be part of future capital improvement projects.

What is the transition plan for 6th grade students who would move from an elementary school (PreK-6 similar routines and procedures) to a high school setting?

The current transition plan will remain in place. Currently, students transition from 4th grade (Primary) to 5th grade (Middle School) and from 8th grade (Middle School) to 9th grade (High School). However, the new plan will eliminate one of these transitions, making the process smoother for both students and parents.

At the end of a student’s 6th-grade year, administrators, counselors, and teachers for 7th and 8th grade will meet with students and parents to discuss the transition to the next grade level. Additionally, parents and students will have the opportunity to visit their new school under the leadership and guidance of the 7th and 8th-grade administrators. Multiple events will be held to support 6th-grade students and their families during this transition.

In order to offer 8th grade students high school courses, would some high school teachers be teaching block schedule but also 7-period schedule in order to offer the opportunities?

We will implement a modified schedule to accommodate both configurations on a single campus. If a high school teacher is assigned to teach a middle school course for high school credit, we will adjust the teacher’s schedule as needed to support this arrangement.

Where would guidance counselors for 7-8 students be housed?

The middle school guidance counselor will be based at the same location as the 7th and 8th grade school students.

NPS gym cannot accommodate the current student body. Will a new facility be constructed to accommodate them plus two more grade levels? Or, will they expected to continue creative scheduling for parent-school events?

We are currently evaluating all sites to identify any necessary capital improvements.

To create a richer experience for students, what is the total number of 7th and 8th graders?

What will be the pupil teacher ratio?

Pleased see previous response

Is there enough classrooms at AHS to facilitate these students for a quality education? 

Yes, there is more than enough room to accommodate the 7th and 8th graders at Assumption High School.

Consultants addressed it appears high achieving students. What are the courses offered to 7th&8th that are not offered now and how many students are needed to qualify a teacher for these courses? 

Part 1: See previous response

Part 2: 26 students create a full section.

Will these teacher be paid more than regular basic high school teachers? 

All teachers as well as other school system employees are paid based on their job code and according to the Assumption Parish School System Salary schedule. There is no extra pay for teaching 7th and 8th graders.  7th and 8th grade teachers are paid just like all other teachers in the school system.

Will these courses be computer based where teachers monitor and mediate or teacher based?

Additional courses will be face to face.  Computer based programs may by offer as an enrichment program not take the place of face to face teaching and learning.  Some of the electives offered may be on computer programs just as they are now. Example: Foreign Languages in Imagine Edgenuity.

What courses will be offered for remediation of students and what will be the pupil teacher ratio for remediation. 

There are several ways we remediation students who need additional support.  Support can come from extended time with the teacher of record during acceleration, tutoring, instructional support enhancing programs such as Read 180, Accelerate Math, Phonics, an intervention class with a teacher, etc.  This depends on the individual student and his or her needs.  Intervention classes are normally smaller and specialized in nature.

Will you hire special trained teachers for low performing students that will brought to this new school setting. 

Specialists and/or special services will be available as needed because every student who is low performing will need an individualized plan.  

How is transportation being addressed?

See previous response.

The most vulnerable of students our special needs student have the greatest needs. How many special Needs students will be sent to AHS? What is the pupil teacher ratio by law. Where will they be housed? How will they be transported?

Currently, we are supporting our special needs students on every campus as required by law.  This will not change.  No matter how many special needs students we have, we continue to support and transport them no matter where they are. We will maintain the student to teacher ratios for our special needs according to law.  We will provide all services based on students’ IEP needs/requirements.

We lack social workers, speech therapist occupational therapy and psychologist now so how is this problem being addressed? 

The consolidation of students and schools will allow for special services to be offered more frequently and at a higher level at one location daily.  Service providers will be required to service fewer locations rather than dispersed throughout the parish at multiple locations.  This will help our students and teachers greatly.

Will band be offered at the elementary schools for 5th and 6th graders as well as daily PE or will they have to chose between PE and Band? Any specific plan is offered for sports at this grade level or will It be a wait and see and deal with the 7th and 8th grade situation. 

Our goal is to offer sports at an entry level to our students at the elementary schools even though primary schools currently do not have sports.  We would like to increase extra and co- curricular activities at each site.  

Currently, band is not offered to our primary school students.  We would like to introduce our students to the band at our primary school. However at this level band will not be everyday.

What is being addressed to transition the 5th and 6th graders with the Pre K-4th graders. 

See previous response

How many students are in the 5th and 6th in the parish. What will be the pupil teacher ratio in the elementary schools. Will the master teachers, social worker,psychologist, speech therapist and OT you hire travel and share the 5 schools.

Assumption Parish teacher student ratio is 26-1.  The consolidation of students and schools will allow for special services to be offered more frequently and at a higher level at one location daily.  Service providers will be required to service fewer locations rather than being dispersed throughout the parish at multiple locations.  This will help our students and teachers greatly.