Assumption Parish Schools

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Preparing for a Strong Start

Greetings Assumption Parish Schools Family,

We are encouraged by your anxiousness in preparing to return to schools during this upcoming fall semester. Our team’s priority is to develop a “Strong Start” plan for Assumption Parish Schools that will detail safety protocols, along with accessing and addressing the instructional needs of each student enrolled within our school district.

Guidance from the Louisiana Department of Education and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is continuously forthcoming to ensure all instructional and safety aspects of returning to school is addressed. Considering this, we are still being provided details to include in our comprehensive reopening plans that will be released to our families soon. 

While there are still many unknowns during these unprecedented times, we are committed to developing effective plans to provide uniform protocols to our staff and address the needs of our students. As we strive to implement national and state guidance within our local plans, please know that your questions and concerns will be addressed in the comprehensive Strong Start Plan for Assumption Parish Schools, which should be released by August 1st.

In spite of the many challenges school districts across the nation are currently facing, our team is dedicated to create a safe environment for all of our students and staff. All employees working with students will be provided basic personal protective equipment by our district. Students will also be provided at least 1 mask by our district. To allow individuals to reacclimate to our campuses, the first day of school for students is being revised to Thursday, August 13th. This adjustment will allow employees to work on implementing the reopening plans for several days prior to students being on campus. Our district is still planning to move forward with our previously announced plans to return in accordance to the Governor’s declared phase; however, all students will follow the hybrid plan for the first 7 days of schools (August 13 - August 21). This revision will allow for half of the student population to be onsite in order for our staff to ensure that safety and instructional protocols are effective in meeting the needs of our students. Each school's administration will communicate students' schedules for the hybrid plan to families by August 6th.

We will continuously address the concerns of all of our families with safety and compassion at the forefront of our decisions. We humbly ask for your patience as we conquer these uncharted territories. We are confident that our comprehensive Strong Start plan will ease your concerns and give you the guidance you are seeking in regards to on-site learning, expectations of the hybrid model learning and the detailed plans of the virtual academy learning platform. It will also address solutions to some frequently asked questions from our families and staff.

Be reminded that "We’re All In" this together. With safety on our mind and our students’ education in our hearts, we will overcome this difficult time. Thank you for your continued support and trust in Assumption Parish Schools to provide rigorous education to our most precious resources, the children of Assumption Parish!

Faithfully submitted,
Anya Bailey Randle, Interim Superintendent